Faience Hanging 11 Plates MILITARY Utzschneider 1920 Sarreguemines ORIGINAL
Faience Hanging 11 Plates MILITARY Utzschneider 1920 Sarreguemines ORIGINAL
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$468.00 USD
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$468.00 USD
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Faience Hanging 11 Plates MILITARY Utzschneider 1920 Sarreguemines
Item Description
Faience Hanging 11 Plates MILITARY Utzschneider & Co Sarreguemines Collection France 1870-1920, very good condition, one has a hairline noticed in picture, all plates have the description of the different arms of the military French forces and period on top, 8 1/2" [TOP4redbag]
On Sep-03-16 at 11:11:23 PDT, seller added the following information:
On Sep-03-16 at 11:11:23 PDT, seller added the following information:
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